9 Relaxing, Rejuvenating Body Treatments for Summer
Who’s excited for bikini season? None of us—except phone filter prodigies and 15-year-old models who haven’t fully developed yet.
Still, the humid, sunny season is creeping up behind our untanned bodies faster than we can say “margarita, no salt.” After a year and a half of solitude, most of us will finally have an incentive to travel somewhere fabulous—or even just stay local and beach it up.
Stocked with new sunscreen, hats, and bikinis we forgot we purchased online one wine-filled night or another, most have begun to prep for the inevitable summertime party. To help this preparation, we’ve collected a list of body popular treatments and tools that are readily available—for those who use treatments—to help you feel empowered and beautiful in whatever you’re rocking wear for the summer. Why not explore a treatment that won’t change your natural look, but enhance it instead? See our favorites, here.